Drama Club presented the children's play "The Prince Who Wouldn't Talk" at Willett and Studley Elementary Schools last Friday.
Click here for our weekly update to families: https://ahs.attleboroschools.com/o/ahs/article/1323988
CTE Engineering students. Paving the way with Project Lead The Way!!
Building tomorrow's world today.
Pathway for success, Pathway for Life
AHS 12+ students led by Chef O'Hara in making pizzas and decorating Halloween cookies. Smiles all around-
AHS shined at Blue Pride Night tonight. More to come tomorrow.
Reminder: If you received an invoice via mail, Fee for Service payment is due in full on or before November 15, 2023. If payment is not received by Wednesday, November 15, 2023, your student(s) will no longer be able to ride the bus beginning on Monday, November 27, 2023. Visit the Fee for Service Payment webpage to learn how to pay online, in-person, or by mail: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/apswc/page/fee-for-service-payment
Today is the night!
Blue Pride Night
6:00 to 7:30 pm
Attleboro High School
See you there!
AHS students guiding our youngest friends through the school. Role models and friends. Smiles all around .
Just another day of learning at AHS!
Students in Astronomy class made their own telescopes, manipulating focal length and magnification.
Please click here for our weekly AHS school community message: https://ahs.attleboroschools.com/o/ahs/article/1311484
When AHS says "Wear pink for Breast Cancer Awareness" we show up!
Cosmetology students practicing Up-Do styling. Blue & Beyond Salon and Spa opening in less than a year once students accrue 500 hours of training.
Full salon services will be offered to the public!!
Pathway for success, Pathway for life!
AHS students enjoying the weather and applying their knowledge by measuring and calculating distance and displacement-
Earlier today Trimester 1 Progress Reports were published in Aspen. Please review this report with your child. Here’s how to access it:
STEP 1: Log into your Aspen family account (https://ma-attleboro.myfollett.com) and click the “Pages” top tab.
STEP 2: Find the Published Reports heading on the main page.
STEP 3: Click the Progress Report under that heading.
Today students and teachers from our Action Civics classes hosted five candidates running for School Committee. Students created and asked the candidates questions related to the purpose of School Committee, campaign strategy, why they are interested in the position and their hopes, desires and ideas for improving our schools. This was an engaging and meaningful experience for all!
Blue Pride Night is next Wednesday, November 1 at 6:00 pm. All grade 8 and high school students and families are cordially invited to attend. Come experience all AHS has to offer, including several live performance and a cafeteria full of informational tables!
On Friday, our wonderful Whitson's Food Service Team wore pink for Breast Cancer Awareness. 🩷
Click below for this week's update.
Stay dry this weekend!
Customer service with a smile! Giving back to the community that built this amazing facility. Thank you Attleboro!
The Blue Pride Bistro is open Weds- Thurs 11-1:15. Follow them on Facebook for hours and menus
Pathway for success, Pathway for life