Report Cards

We plan to share report cards on Thursday, June 20. Please be on the lookout for these reports, which will be shared digitally via Aspen. Here’s how to access the reports once they are released:

STEP 1: Log into your Aspen family account ( and click the “Pages” top tab. 

STEP 2: Find the Published Reports heading on the main page. 

STEP 3: Click the Progress Report under that heading.

Reminder: How to Pay for College Workshop on June 17

Are you interested in learning more about how to pay for college? This workshop is for you! Join members of the Guidance Department for pizza and information to help you understand how it works. This event is open to students and families in all grades interested in learning more.

Registration is required at 6.17.24 presentation registration 

When: Monday, June 17 

Where: AHS College and Career Center (room 141)

Time: 5:30 Pizza and 6:00 Presentation

Summer Learning 2024

Let’s keep learning! Visit the Attleboro Public Schools 2024 Summer Learning Opportunities page to view summer reading suggestions and learning opportunities, including community resources, programs and events for all ages. Be sure to check back for continued updates throughout the summer months.

Community News

Visit the APS Community Fliers page to view the most recent events, opportunities, and resources available within the Attleboro Community.