
Next Week

Next week we have the last days of the 2023-2024 school year. Friday is the last day of school. Thursday and Friday will be half days for students and dismissal will be at 10:50. Lunch will not be served.

  • Even Days - Monday, Wednesday, Friday

  • Odd Days - Tuesday, Thursday

Year End Grading for Grades 9-11

Reminder: With one week left in the academic year, we want to share some year end updates regarding student work and grading.

Ongoing: Please check Aspen, our Rooms app, and email for updates on student progress. Please reach out to teachers if you have concerns or if students are in danger of failing and to determine what needs to be done to pass the course.

June 10:  All late/missing/revised work is due from students

June 13: Teachers finalize grades

June 14: Last day of school

Report Cards

Report cards will be shared with students and families via Aspen the week of June 17. 

Schedules for 2024-2025

Preliminary schedules for the 2024-2025 school year have been released and are available to view via Aspen. While our goal is to accommodate each student's requested courses, due to the complexity of the schedule, it may not always be feasible to fulfill all primary requests. Furthermore, 2024-25 student schedules are contingent upon 2023-24 final grades, which have yet to be finalized.  Please be aware that this schedule is a static snapshot of each student’s schedule at this moment and that modifications to schedules will still occur throughout the summer, potentially affecting individual student schedules.

We plan to share schedules again at the end of July or beginning of August. Guidance counselors will also be available in person and by appointment at the AHS College & Career Center on July 17, July 31, August 1, and August 13. Appointments to discuss schedules can be booked through this calendar link: Book time with AHS Guidance. 

As indicated in the Program of Studies, schedule changes are only granted for educationally compelling reasons. If students have questions or concerns about their schedules, they should contact their guidance counselor via this form: Scheduling Concern Form. Appropriate reasons to contact guidance counselors regarding a scheduling concern would be inappropriate level, unmet prerequisite, scheduling error, or a health/safety reason. It would be inappropriate to contact guidance counselors concerning being with friends, teacher preference, convenience, or no longer having an interest in the course. 

Please know that guidance counselors are prioritizing end of 2023-24 school year responsibilities and will respond to 2024-25 scheduling concerns after those responsibilities are met. We appreciate your patience.


  1. Go to to log into the Aspen parent portal. (If you do not know your login credentials, please contact your child's school.)

  2. Click on "Pages" and scroll down to the section titled "Published Reports."

  3. Click on a report to open and view.

Summer Learning 2024

Let’s keep learning! Visit the Attleboro Public Schools 2024 Summer Learning Opportunities page to view summer reading suggestions and learning opportunities, including community resources, programs and events for all ages. Be sure to check back for continued updates throughout the summer months.

Fall Sports Registration

Reminder: Fall Sports registration opens on Friday, May 31 to June 14. Please see this website for more information:

Mental Health Awareness

This week half of our students were able to participate in a powerful and connected mental health assembly. There  will be two more presentations on Monday for the remainder of our students to participate.  Our work with the KyleCares Foundation supported the opportunity for these assemblies. This Foundation has provided multiple resources and learning in schools across the state. Tom Burns and Tina Hayes have worked with an exceptional group of students in opening an Active Minds Chapter here at AHS. Students continue to advocate for more education and awareness about mental health and we are working hard on finding ways to offer this.

Community News

Visit the APS Community Fliers page to view the most recent events, opportunities, and resources available within the Attleboro Community.