For Immediate Release
January 5, 2023
Attleboro High School to Host Mayoral Debate
ATTLEBORO, MA - The Student Council of Attleboro High School will be hosting a mayoral debate to take place in the Robert H. Bray auditorium at 6:30 on the evening of Wednesday, January 11.
The intention of this debate is to help the voters of Attleboro select the next Mayor of their city. Members of the student council, working alongside their peers, will facilitate a town hall style debate. Students will be posing questions that are specific to Attleboro issues.
The student council is excited for this opportunity and hope that this event not only better informs the Attleboro electorate but also showcases the various Portrait of a Graduate skills that students have been sharpening in their classes.
This event is open to the public and citizens of Attleboro are warmly invited to attend. Interpretation services will be provided upon request. Doors will open at 6:00. Members of the media seeking to cover this event should contact Kevin Gorman.
Kevin Gorman
Associate Principal
508-222-5150 x 20023