school mascot

Aspen Contact Information 

APS is currently updating the mobile phone numbers on record so that we can send school cancellations and other urgent notices via text message. We ask that you update your contact information in Aspen using the workflow directions listed here: If you have multiple students, please complete the workflow for each one. Families who wish to have their child(ren) receive text messaging from the district/school, should provide student cell phone number(s) through this workflow as well. 

Report Cards

Trimester one report cards have been published in Aspen. Instructions and a video on accessing report cards are available for families by following this link:

English Learner Parent Advisory Council (ELPAC) Meeting

ELPAC is meeting on Thursday, December 15, from 6:30 to 7:30. The meeting is being held at Central Office. Here is the invitation link:

Staff Spotlight

Help share all the good things that are happening at AHS. Use this link to recognize a staff member who you feel should be acknowledged: Staff Spotlight.