September 18, 2022


Dear AHS Families, 


It is with deep regret that we inform you about the loss of two former Attleboro High School students. This is sure to raise many emotions for our entire school and community.  Although these individuals graduated in 2022, we consider all AHS students, present and former, part of our school community.


Our schools will be arranging support for those impacted by this tragic event.  Trained staff will be available to support the needs of students, parents, and school personnel through this difficult time. We encourage everyone to feel free to use our resources. 


Events like this can cause many different emotional reactions.  Your children (and you) may be experiencing feelings of shock, fear, anger, hurt sadness or confusion. As a parent or guardian, you may not be sure what to say or do to help your children through this difficult time.  I hope that the following suggestions will be of assistance to you:

  • Your child may need you to talk through their own feelings.
  • An event like this can cause a child to recall past feelings about the deaths of family members or friends.  Allow your child to express these feelings freely – time and time again. 
  • Let children know that it’s okay to experience anger, hurt, guilt, sadness – and that sometimes these feelings overlap.  
  • The behavior of your children and you may change temporarily.  For example, they may become more restless, have trouble sleeping, act more hostile or more withdrawn.


The most important thing to remember is to be there for your children and each other.  Be gentle, understanding and, above all, just listen.

Please know our school community is here to offer support in any way we can.

Please reach out if you need us.



Kate Campbell

Attleboro High School Principal

One Blue Pride Way

Attleboro Public Schools 508-222-0012