Next Week and Beyond
We have five days of school next week with a half day on Friday, March 14. Lunch will not be served on the halfday. Please see the calendar below for the even/odd day schedule.
SkillsUSA District Competition: Our School’s Outstanding Performance
This past week, our school participated in the SkillsUSA district competition, showcasing incredible talent and dedication in a variety of fields. SkillsUSA is a nationwide competition that empowers students to develop leadership and technical skills through hands-on challenges. Students from our school competed in a wide range of events, including First Aid and CPR, Medical Terminology, Medical Math, Robotics and Automation, Urban Search and Rescue, and more. Our students delivered impressive performances, with several standout achievements in various competitions:
● Urban Search and Rescue:
- 3rd place: Jeremy DeAguaiar and Hewen Chen
- 2nd place: Xinyu Li and Jaime Echavarria
● Medical Math:
- 2nd place: Seal Mukasa
● First Aid and CPR:
- 2nd place: Victoria Zaldivia
● Mobile Robotics:
- 3rd place: Brayden Ruprecht and Parker Robinson
These results reflect the hard work, teamwork, and skill development of our students, as they applied their abilities in real-world situations. We are incredibly proud of our participants and their dedication to excellence. Students who attained 2nd place will be moving on to the State Competition in May at Blackstone Valley Tech in Upton. Great job and Good Luck!
CTE Update
The Blue Pride Bistro will be open March 13 next week.
Reminder: MCAS Update
With the first large-scale MCAS test approaching in March, we wanted to clarify a few points in light of MA Ballot Question #2 passing in November. We encourage families, especially those who have grade 9th and 10th graders, to discuss these points with their students.
All grade 10 (ELA and math) and 9 (science) students are still required to take the test. This is mandatory. There is no opt out.
MCAS still provides opportunities for our students.
The state will still grant the MCAS-based Adams and Koplik scholarships.
Scores will help determine eligibility for honors and AP courses.
Scores will help determine honors diploma eligibility.
MCAS results will still count in the state’s accountability system. AHS will still be evaluated as a school on how our students do on MCAS.
MCAS data will be used to help determine academic interventions for students and guide curricular and instructional decisions so we can better educate our students.
We know students have been making great strides this year. Please encourage them to do their best. The ELA test is first up and begins on March 25. Note: we will be periodically running this update in the lead up to upcoming exams: March (grade 10 ELA), May (grade 10 math), and June (grade 9 science).
A Night to Discover
We are looking forward to hosting our annual A Night to Discover event next Wednesday evening. We hope to see you there!
Community Fliers
Visit the APS Community Fliers page to view the most recent events, opportunities, and resources happening within the Attleboro Community.
The Attleboro Public Schools does not, in any education program or activity that it operates, discriminate or tolerate discrimination on the basis of race*, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, religion, disability, age, genetic-information, active military/veteran status, marital status, familial status, pregnancy, or pregnancy-related condition, homelessness, ancestry, ethnic background, national origin, immigration status, or any category protected by state or federal law. The Attleboro Public School District prohibits sex discrimination. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the District’s Civil Rights and/or Title IX Coordinators. The notice of nondiscrimination is located at
. *race to include traits historically associated with race, including, but not limited to, hair texture, hair type, hair length and protective hairstyles.