
Today seven members of the Milford Public Schools came to visit AHS. They are in the beginning stages of their HS building project and wanted feedback and guidance from our staff and students. Many of our teachers opened their classrooms as well as answered the on-going questions of how we do things at AHS. After the tour we met with a number of students from all houses of all grade levels. These students shared first-hand experiences they have had over the past two years. The message to what they feel is special or unique about our school was about people and what goes on inside this extraordinary facility we have. They explained why the new building was different and the opportunities they now have vs the past. The way students gave examples of how teachers care, go the extra mile, and help guide them to be ready for life beyond AHS was noticed. The consistency across departments, houses, areas of interest, and learning as well as extra curricular activities was impressive. Thank you to the city of Attleboro for believing in us as a school district and providing us an institute of learning that allows us to offer students multiple opportunities to explore their interests and develop essential skills. 

Next Week

We have five days of school next week with a half day on Friday. 

  • Monday and Wednesday - Odd Days

  • Tuesday and Thursday - Even Days

  • Friday - Odd Day and Half Day (lunch will not be served)

Trimester 2 Is Ending Soon

Trimester two ends in one week, on Friday, March 8. We encourage students and families to reach out to teachers and counselors to ensure students are working to the best of their abilities. If students need to complete makeup work, they should contact their teachers immediately as outstanding work must be submitted by Wednesday, March 6.  We encourage all students to do their best and end T2 on a positive note!

In related news, we plan to publish T2 report cards via Aspen on Wednesday, March 13.

Guidance News - Junior Planning Night

Junior Planning Night is Wednesday, March 6 at 6:00 pm in Bray Auditorium. This event is for juniors and their families to review our college and career process. Whether a student is interested in college, career, the military, or undecided, there is something for everyone! Please enter through the cafeteria doors and park in Lot C, which is in the back of the building.  

Grade 10 Health Screenings

Please be informed that state mandated vision, hearing, height, and weight screenings will be conducted for your grade 10 student later this month (screenings start on March 11). If you have any questions, please contact the AHS nursing team at ahsnurses@attleboroschools.com. Thank you for your cooperation.

Community News

Visit the APS Community Fliers page to view the most recent events, opportunities, and resources available within the Attleboro Community.