Another great display of radio and broadcasting collaborating with AHS students! Awesome job with BSA.
WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP! We kindly request that you take a few moments to complete the NEASC Family Survey. Your input will play a vital role in the accreditation process, shaping the future of Attleboro High School and ensuring that we continue to meet and exceed the highest standards of education.
Next Week
We have five days of school next week with a half day for students on Friday. Please review the calendar below. Note: lunch will not be served on Friday.
Spring Sports Registration
Registration for spring sports opens on February 12 and closes on February 16, 2024. Please click here for more information: https://ahs.attleboroschools.com/o/ahs/page/athletics
Reminder: Trimester 2 Progress Reports
Trimester 2 Progress Reports have been published in Aspen. Here’s how to access the report:
STEP 1: Log into your Aspen family account (https://ma-attleboro.myfollett.com) and click the “Pages” top tab.
STEP 2: Find the Published Reports heading on the main page.
STEP 3: Click the Progress Report under that heading.
Please feel free to contact your student’s teachers with any questions or concerns.
DESE School Report Card for AHS
Every year the Department of Early and Secondary Education (DESE) provides school communities with a school report card. Below is information regarding this year’s report card.
Dear Families:
Every year, each public school and school district in Massachusetts receives a report card. Just as your child’s report card shows how they are doing in different subjects, the school’s report card is designed to show families how our school is doing in different areas. A link to our school’s report card is available at https://reportcards.doe.mass.edu/2023/00160505
The report card includes multiple measures of a school’s performance – more than just MCAS scores. It represents a new way of looking at school performance, by providing information on student achievement, teacher qualifications, student learning opportunities, and more.
Report cards are designed to be useful tools for everyone connected to our school. Families can use the information to have meaningful conversations with us about what the school is doing well and where there is room for improvement. Community and education leaders can use the information to better understand how to support students and our school.
You will notice on our report card that we are doing well in some areas, such as graduation rates, and can improve in others. To improve student performance in our school, we continue to implement appropriate intervention strategies for all different types of learners. We encourage you to become involved in helping us improve our school. We see parents as critical partners in the success of our students and school, and we are grateful for your continued support.
Finally, if your child attends a school that receives federal Title I funds, you also have the right to request the following information about the qualifications of your child’s classroom teachers:
Whether your child’s teacher is licensed in the grade levels and subject areas they teach,
Whether your child’s teacher is teaching under an emergency license or waiver,
The college degree and major of your child’s teacher, and
Whether your child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
If you have questions about our school’s report card, would like to become involved in school improvement activities, or would like to request information about the qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher, please contact me. To see our district’s report card or to search for other schools’ report cards, visit reportcards.doe.mass.edu.
Kate Campbell
Attleboro High School
New Mental Health and Wellness Resource
Any resident of Attleboro or student attending the Attleboro Public Schools (through a guardian) can access the William James College INTERFACE Referral Service. The INTERFACE Helpline helps individuals in subscribing communities become connected with outpatient mental health and wellness resources. Through the Helpline that operates from 9 AM- 5 PM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and 8 AM- 6 PM on Tuesday and Thursday, callers will complete an intake which takes about 15-20 minutes and then within a day or so of their call will be assigned to work with a Resource and Referral Counselor who will help them navigate the challenges of finding mental health services, including obtaining a referral match to an outpatient provider, as well as information and resources related to mental health and wellness. Please see What to Expect When You Call the Helpline or visit interface.williamjames.edu for more information. Additional details can be found on this flier. The INTERFACE Helpline is not an emergency service. If you or the person you are seeking to assist requires a crisis response to meet immediate safety needs, please call 988, 911, go to your local emergency room, or find your local crisis services by calling 833-773-2445 and asking for crisis support.
SAT School Day
For the first time we are offering the SAT School Day to our grade 11 students who choose to take the exam. We plan to administer the test on Thursday, April 25, during the school day. This is a convenient alternative to the Saturday administration as it can help you minimize the need to juggle work and other commitments.
This test will be administered in the new digital format similar to the PSAT/NMSQT that was administered at AHS this fall. Students will use their own school-issued device. To register, please complete this form by February 23. DO NOT REGISTER THROUGH COLLEGE BOARD FOR THIS ADMINISTRATION.
The cost of the exam is $60. Once your test is ordered, you will be notified where and how to pay for your exam. If you have questions about the SAT School Day or college and career planning, please reach out to Robin Frank (rfrank@attleboroshools.com) or your child’s counselor—we’re here to help!
Kindergarten Information Night
Do you know anyone with school age children ready for Kindergarten for next year? The Attleboro Public Schools is pleased to host Kindergarten Information Night on March 7, 2024. This evening provides families with information on how to enroll a student in Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year. Early Learning Center parents should also plan to attend this evening to receive information for the next steps in the ELC to Kindergarten process. More information can be found here: https://attleboropsma.sites.thrillshare.com/o/apswc/page/kindergarten-registration-2023-024
Community News
Visit the APS Community Fliers
page to view the most recent events, opportunities, and resources available within the Attleboro Community.