
Student Parking

Student drivers now need to register their vehicles, so must complete this registration form: Student Parking Registration. The registration form includes a number of details related to parking. Please read carefully. Students must be logged into their @attleborops.net accounts to complete the form and must do so by Thursday, September 28. 

Chromebook Issues?

Students: if you are having Chromebook issues, please click here for troubleshooting solutions: Chromebook Reset Instructions. Often many issues can be solved via a reset.

College and Career Fair

AHS hosted a successful college and career fair on Thursday with over 100 different spokespeople representing a wide variety of post high school opportunities. Students learned from different college reps and some even had on the spot job interviews. A special thank you to the Guidance Team for making this day a huge success for our grades 11 and 12 students.

Blue Pride Night

Blue Pride Night and Welcome Night 2028 is a showcase of all AHS has to offer. It will include information and demonstrations from clubs, sports, Career and Technical Education, performing arts programs, Honor Societies, and much more. It will also include our supportive parent organizations. All current AHS students looking to join an activity or learn more should attend, as should this year's eighth graders to see what AHS has to offer them next year. This year it will be on Wednesday,  November 1, 2023 at 6:00 pm. This is a change from the originally posted date of November 2, 2023.  

Coffee and Conversation with Mrs Campbell- Friday 9.29.23 9:00 am

Next Friday Mrs Campbell is inviting any parent with questions, concerns, or celebrations to join her in the Blue Pride Bistro.  As we build our school community it is important to have open dialogue, share ideas, and grow together. Ms. Jannsen, our district instructional technology coordinator, will also be available during this time for anyone with questions about Rooms system of communication. 

Technology News: Rooms

The District will be holding three help sessions during the month of October. Please register so we can plan appropriately for the events.

Free/Reduced Lunch Forms

Please note that even though meals will be free for all students this school year, it remains essential for families who believe they qualify to complete the household Application for Free and Reduced Price Meals for the 2023-2024 school year. Families who qualify are also often eligible for free/reduced costs related to exam fees and other school-related activities and dues.  Visit our Food Services page to learn more and Apply Online: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/aps/page/food-services2 

Community News

Visit the APS Community Fliers page to view the most recent events, opportunities, and resources available within the Attleboro Community. 
