Next Week
There will be some changes to our normal schedule next week.
Monday - We will start the day in X block. This will be an advisory day.
Friday - We will have a half day. Lunch will not be served.
Report Cards Are Coming
Trimester Two officially concluded today. Families: please be on the lookout for T2 report cards being available in Aspen on March 24.
Attention Grade 10 Students and Families: All sophomores will be taking the English Language Arts MCAS assessment on March 28 and 29. Passing this assessment is a high school graduation requirement. Families: please encourage your student to do their best. Asking your students about their learning, encouraging them to get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy breakfast are all great ways to support your child.
Today students who need to appeal level placements (typically these students requested an honors or AP course) were emailed an appeals application form. Many of the requested data points can be found in Aspen, and there is also a space to share additional information. Students should fill-out the form completely and to the best of their ability because there will be no opportunity for second appeals. The deadline to submit the form is March 26, 2023.
Honors Diploma Meeting
Seniors who indicated that they were interested in applying for the honors diploma were emailed an invitation to an informational meeting. That meeting will be on Monday, March 20, at 7:25 in the Bray Auditorium.
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Please do not park on Rathbun Willard Dr by Brennan and Studley at pick-up time. This was not designed as a drop off/pick up location and is creating unsafe traffic conditions. Please continue to use the assigned front loop for AM/PM school drop off and pick up. Now that our construction projects are coming to completion, the back bus loop can be used for picking up students from their after school activities such as athletics, drama, etc.
Coffee and Conversation with Mrs Campbell
Now that our beautiful Bistro is open, Mrs Campbell would like to set up opportunities for parents to come in and meet with her. Being in the new building has brought many exciting new opportunities, but also brings questions and ideas. Please feel free to stop by anytime between 9:00 and 10:00 on Friday, March 24th. The door directly by the Marketplace sign can be used for entry. If you can't make this week's Coffee and Conversation there will be more coming.
Travel Opportunities
We are hosting an informational meeting regarding domestic and international travel opportunities for students on Tuesday, March 21, at 6:30 pm in the Bray Auditorium. Please see the below flier for more details.