
Next Week

Next week is a full five day week with our regular schedule. Please keep in mind that there are only two weeks left in trimester two!

We have lots going on next week here at Attleboro High School. See below for more details regarding Junior Planning Night, the state drama festival, and a Night to Discover. 

State Drama Festival 

Tomorrow’s State Drama Festival is currently still on. We are watching the weather and will post an update early tomorrow morning. We need to consider the safety and wellbeing of all the schools participating and the locations they are traveling from. If the day does need to be postponed due to weather, it will take place this Sunday. Please see the poster below for more general information about the festival.

A Night to Discover

You are invited to A Night to Discover: APS Student Learning and Community Partnership Showcase on March 7, 2023, from 6:00-7:30PM at AHS. Join APS students, families, staff, and community organizations as students from throughout the district display their learning experiences and local community resources share information about their services and programs.

Junior Planning Night

AHS Junior Planning Night is Thursday, March 9 at 6:00 pm in the Bray Auditorium. This is a great opportunity for grade 11 students and their families to learn more about the college and career process. 

Lifeguards Wanted

Summer lifeguard positions are available at Attleboro’s city pools and at the state pool. Lifeguards must be 16 years old, mature, responsible, and dependable. If you like working with the public and are willing to work a flexible schedule, please download the application at www.cityofattleboro.us/242/Employment-Opportunities.