SkillsUSA is a student lead organization where students gain valuable leaderships skills and compete in CTE specific competitions. Every AHS student who is enrolled in a CTE program has the option of enrolling in SkillsUSA.
Our goals for our students in this program are: to explore careers, learn leadership skills, work on community service projects, participate in fundraisers and compete in district, state and national level competitions. The competitions are program specific.
Medical assisting students compete in competitions such as first aid/CPR, medical math and medical terminology. Carpentry students compete in a structure building competition, etc.
Students will compete at districts to qualify for states. Those that qualify and participate at states will qualify for nationals. If students win their national competition, they may win a full ride college scholarship, materials specific to their CTE (carpentry tools, baking/cooking tools)
For more information on the SkillsUSA competitions and general information go to:

SkillsUSA State Competition 2023
Attleboro students enrolled in SkillsUSA meet weekly after school to plan fundraisers, community service projects and prepare for their upcoming competitions.
Below are the SkillsUSA competitions for the school year 2024. Our SkillsUSA participants are working hard to raise enough money to cover the costs of the competitions.
Districts: February 29th, Online Qualifying Event at AHS, cost is $40 per participant
States: April 25th-April 27th Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel 181 Boston Post Road, West, Marlborough, MA Cost=$495.00-$580.00 per student
Nationals: June 24th-June 29th Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia, Cost $1500.00-$3,000.00 per student.